The debtors feature allows you to keep track of important customer sales and credit information. Tencia gives you the ability to quickly and easily observe customer outstanding balances. Tencia’s straightforward interface lets you perform thorough on screen inquiries providing you with up to date information to enable proficient customer follow ups and collection of outstanding amounts.
Debtors features:
- Exception reporting.
- Multi level dissection including sales code, area code, customer type.
- Customers set up as a combination of debtor types including; weekly, fortnightly, or monthly debtors.
- Allows for open item and balance forward Debtors.
- User interface screens customisable to streamline data entry.
- Automatic calculation of settlement discounts where required.
- Create new Debtors at the same time as performing invoice entry.
- Automatic processing of invoices
- Consolidation of debtors into parent accounts when issuing debtor statements.
- Transactions can be posted to future periods.
- Apply dollar and credit limits to individual Debtors.
- Create customised statements and invoices.
- Create an ageing debtors report on-screen and preview customer transactions.
- Ability to send statements and invoices to customer’s billing or email address.
- Automatic notifications when debtors have exceeded their credit limits.
- Up to 10 user defined fields on the Debtors Master file.
- Ability to calculate and generate invoices for interest charges on overdue accounts.
- Invoices may be set up for regular processing by debtor groups.
- Review up to date information such as current balance and transaction details for each customer account.
- Flexible transaction inquiry screen where information about current and past transactions can be viewed and analysed.
- Can put values on hold and alter pay dates.
- Service and stock invoicing with unlimited text or stock images.
Debtors Reports Include:
- Name and address listing and labels.
- Sales by sales codes, summary and detailed.
- Transaction/Tax listing, current and day book.
- Sales analysis by Debtor, summary and detailed.
- Sales Commission Report.
- Exception reporting.
- Debtor account ledger.
- Summary trial balance.
- Statements.
- Detailed trial balance.