Arrow Financials – Stock Module
The Stock module provides accurate stock control for the Organization. The module can be run stand alone or integrated to the other modules in the system.
Due to the integration of the modules, the full cycle of stock movement can be monitored. From the initial purchase of the goods to the eventual sale.
- Sales tax can be calculated for wholesale or retail purposes.
- Ability to copy existing stock item.
- Prices updated using the bulk price update facility or you can individually update prices,
- Calculation of freight cost on debtors invoice based on weight of item.
- System allows for three selling prices. But by using the Price Discount feature you can set up unlimited discounted prices and selling prices.
- Ability to enter a new supplier at time of entering stock details.
- Issue stock to jobs for job costing.
- System allows for negative stock balances.
- Future period transactions may be posted.
- System allows for three costs to be used, latest, average and standard.
- Location and bin number available.
- System allows for physical stocktake counts.
- Ability to search on stock description as well as on stock code.
- Ability to handle multiple stock locations, with different costs and selling prices at each location if required.
- System allows operator to view, Current, Old, Future or AlI transactions.
- Non diminishing stock lines can be set up.
- Stock conversion provides the ability to purchase and sell in different units.
- Mark up pricing, based on cost of purchase.
- System allows for a range of decimal places to be used. You can choose 0/2/4 decimal places for quantity and 2/4 decimal places for price.
- Option to show costs on stock inquiry.
- Calculation of stock reordering. Can take into consideration, seasonality, lead time, economic order quantity, minimum stock level, and selling/purchase Cycle to cover.
- Screen inquiry of stock accounts, by transaction type.
Reports Include
- Stocktake sheets.
- Stock on order report.
- Sales report x value and quantity.
- Stock Ledger report.
- Transaction listings.
- Reorder report.
- Stock valuation and movements reports.
- Stocktake report.
Optional – Stock multi location
- Provides the ability to have multi stock locations.
- Stock inquiry can be consolidated for all locations.
- Only need to enter stock codes once, ability to maintain exceptions by location if required.
- Stock inquiries can be selected by individual location in summary or detail.
- Stock reports can be selected by location.
- Each location can maintain different costs, selling prices, bin location, etc.
- When entering purchase orders, sales orders, supplier invoices or customer invoices ability to enter multiple stock location in the one transaction.
- Provides a stock reorder report to assist in inventory management.
- To assist price increases and decreases the system allows for bulk price update.
- Monitors the stock value being held by the company by stock category.
- Generates a stock on order report, which provides you with analysis of committed cash requirements for stock.
- Monitors stock movements to ensure that good stock control is maintained.
- Prepares system for stocktake and generates stocktake reports.
Integrated Solution
The stock module has integration links to the following Arrow Financial Modules:
- Creditors
- Job Costing
- Bill of Materials
- Purchase Orders
- Debtors
- Front Counter
- Sales Orders
- General Ledger