Arrow Financials – Security Menu Option
The Security Option has been designed to restrict and control access to menu options, relating to an individual user and their security level.
When a user logs into Arrow, the menu displayed is customized according to each individual.
- A user name is then created for each person requiring access into Arrow, this user name can optionally have a password. This user is then allocated the relevant security level of 0-9.
- Hence, the menu is customized based on the user’s security level.
- The Security Option provides the mechanism to restrict and control access to users when logging into Arrow.
- When that user has logged into Arrow they will only see on their menu those options or modules that have a security level equal to or less than their user name security level.
- The design is such that security levels from 0-9, zero being the lowest, 9 the highest, are allocated to selected modules and menu options or all modules and menu options depending on the requirements of each individual company.