Arrow Financials – Quickforms – Form manager
The QuickForms Module is an easy to use Forms Manager for use with Arrow Financials. It comprises an engine allowing automatic printing, automatic faxing and automated email of forms as well as an easy to use “drop and drag” windows look QuickForm Design area. This integrated module allows the creation, editing andoutput of standard stationery forms, such as invoices and statements to many different types of printers, including colour and black and white.
- Print to dot matrix, bubble jet or laser.
- Easy to use, set and forget.
- Black and white or colour printing.
- No need for pre printed forms.
- Standard design templates enable quick and consistant form design.
- Ability to nominate 5 printers per job.
- Incorporates print and fax queue manipulation.
- Choice of either HTML or PDF format for email form attachments.
- Logo’s/graphics can be placed anywhere.
- Design your own stationery with the easy to use QuickForm Designer.
- Print multiple copies to multiple printers. E.g. Customer Invoices on A4 and office copies on continuous paper on different printers.
- No wasted time swapping paper in printers.
- Ready to use standard forms supplied.
- Ability to print daily or monthly activity logs.
- Ability when faxing to consolidate into one transmission when multiple faxes are sent to the same number.
Forms Available Include
- Statements
- Job Quotes
- Credit Notes
- Delivery Dockets
- Sales Orders
- Creditors Remittances
- Sales Quotes
- Packing Slips
- Stock Transfer Notes
- Purchase Orders
- Pay Advices
- Invoices
- Cashbook Receipts
- Job Sheets