Arrow Financials – Creditors Module
The Creditors module has been designed to minimize the keystrokes required by the operator. Together with the default facility this allows for maximum efficiency on data input.
It is important to be able to easily reconcile your creditor accounts, ARROW has open item accounts for creditors as well as for the debtors module. This will allow you to keep control of each invoice received, and paid.
Mark-up pricing for stock lines allows calculatio of selling price from cost.
Exception reporting for management reports.
Automatic payments include either cheque or electronic funds transfer.
Select Creditor by code number or alpha code.
System allows operator to view Current, Old, Future or All transactions.
Ability to create new Creditor at time of entering invoice.
Creditors may be set up as Balance f’wd or Open item accounts.
Pay as you go contractors are allowed for in the system.
Future invoices and payments may be processed.
Ability to place invoices on hold, partial or full.
Analysis of Creditors by supplier type/Expense code.
System allows for automatic, manual and electronic payments.
Automatic cheque printing facility.
Screen inquiry of Creditor accounts, by transactions, type e.g. invoices, purchase orders.
User defined trading terms.
Ability to run stand alone or integrated with other ledgers.
Ability to enter the same invoice numbers, for example if two different creditors issue an invoice with the same number.
Creditors Reports Include
Creditors Labels.
Transaction/Tax listing.
Analysis of purchases by supplier type/expense code.
Prescribed payments deductions forms.
Payment by due date report.
Summary trial balance.
Account Ledger.
Analysis of purchases by Creditor.
Exception reporting for management reports.
Prescribed payments deductions listing.
Name and Address listing.
Detailed trial balance/Optionally includes hold values.
Forward payments list.
How The Creditors Module Helps
Automatic cheque generation, to ensure accurate balances are printed onto the cheques.
Generates automatically a Prescribed Payments deduction listing.
Provides summary and detailed trial balances, so you can monitor the age of your suppliers debt. Allowing you to manage it.
Allows for automatic payments by the due date, thereby ensuring that any prompt payment discounts are taken.
Payments will automatically adjust the Creditors accounts, so an accurate outstanding creditor balance is always known.
Helps analyze Creditor by Creditor and supplier codes, allowing you to review who your important suppliers are.
Helps with cash planning, allowing you to print a forwards payment report, based on due date on creditors invoices.
Integrated Solution
The creditors module has integration links to the following Arrow Financial Modules:
Fixed Assets
Sales Orders
Bill of Materials
Foreign Currency
Purchase Orders
General Ledger
Cash Book
Job Costing